Using Istanbul With Intern

Code coverage, implemented using Istanbul, is a core feature of Intern. Simply indicate which files should be covered using a glob string, or an array of glob strings, in the Intern config file:

  "coverage": "_build/src/**/*.js"

Coverage may also be specified on the command line:

$ npx intern coverage='_build/src/**/*.js'

Intern will instrument the files specified in the coverage list when they're loaded locally in Node or in remote browsers (when performing WebDriver tests).

If necessary, Istanbul options may be passed directly to the instrumenter by providing an instrumenterOptions property in the Intern config file:

  "instrumenterOptions": { "esModules": true }

#Viewing results

Intern's Node-based reporters such as Runner, Pretty, and Simple will all output a coverage summary to the console if any coverage data was collected.

Total coverage
File                     |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
All files                |    91.22 |     80.8 |    88.95 |    91.17 |                |
 src                     |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  index.ts               |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
 src/bin                 |    93.55 |    68.75 |      100 |    92.86 |                |
  intern.ts              |    93.55 |    68.75 |      100 |    92.86 |    24,39,76,92 |
 src/lib                 |    90.87 |    82.77 |    86.74 |    91.08 |                |
  BenchmarkSuite.ts      |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  BenchmarkTest.ts       |     91.3 |    74.29 |    81.82 |    91.11 |... 214,254,255 |
  Channel.ts             |      100 |       75 |      100 |      100 |             25 |

Intern also provides easy access to the cobertura ('cobertura'), html ('htmlcoverage'), json ('jsoncoverage'), and lcov ('lcov') Istanbul reporters. Reporters may be specified using the reporters config property:

  "reporters": [ "runner", "jsoncoverage" ]

Reporters may also be specified on the command line:

$npx intern reporters=runner reporters=jsoncoverage

By default, file reports will be output to a coverage/ directory in the project root. Reporter options such as the output directory or watermarks may be specified by using a properties object:

  "reporters": [
      "name": "jsoncoverage",
      "filename": "coverage.json"

#Integration with provides a web-based UI for displaying and analyzing code coverage data. It's a great way to show coverage in a CI flow, and it's what Intern itself uses. Setting up codecov through a service like Travis CI is very simple:

  1. Configure Intern to gather coverage, and to output it with a reporter that generates codecov-compatible output, such as lcov or jsoncoverage.

      "coverage": "_build/src/**/*.js",
      "reporters": [
          "name": "jsoncoverage",
          "filename": "coverage.json"
  2. Add an npm script to your project's package.json to run CI tests.

      "scripts": {
        "ci": "tsc && npm run test",
        "test:" "intern"
  3. Add statements to .travis.yml to install codecov and upload results.

    # .travis.yml
      - npm install
      - npm install -g codecov
      - npm run ci && codecov