
Integrating with

codecov is a great tool for adding coverage reports to your GitHub project, even viewing them inline on GitHub with a browser extension.

Quick start

Assuming your npm test does not run nyc and you have the npx executable (npm v5.2+), have your CI runner execute the following:

npx nyc --reporter=lcov npm test && npx codecov

Without npx - Travis CI example using npm scripts

  1. add the codecov and nyc dependencies:
  npm install codecov nyc --save-dev
  1. update the scripts in your package.json to include these lines (replace mocha with your test runner):
     "scripts": {
       "test": "nyc --reporter=lcov mocha",
       "coverage": "codecov"
  1. For private repos, add the environment variable CODECOV_TOKEN to Travis CI.

  2. add the following to your .travis.yml:

  after_success: npm run coverage